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Jakob Osterberger
Example screenshot of the live search feature of the Extension

Obsidian Search for Web

/ 2 min read

🌐 The extension is not available on the WebStore yet, however you can install it following the instructions on GitHub. Note that this extension is still experimental - furthermore this extension requires the Obsidian REST API Plugin!

πŸ“… It will officially be released in the end of October 2024. The following is already a little teaser of what it can do.

πŸ” Have a Evernote like search experience

For all of you who are missing the Evernote browser search extension in Obsidian - here is your solution. This extension lets you search your Obsidian Vault simultaneously as you type your search in your favourite search engine.

πŸš€ Features

  • βœ… LIVE SEARCH: Search your vault for notes matching your current search in e.q. the google search bar
  • βœ… URL MATCHING: Search your vault for matches of your current url
  • βœ… Scroll and open your matched Obsidian notes in the sidebar
  • βœ… Exclude files and folders you don’t want to show show up in the sidebar search
  • βœ… Customize how much context you want to see

Screenshot of the Extension Options

πŸ›‘οΈ Privacy

The extension only communicates between your local Obsidian REST Api and the browser. The only data that is stored permanently in the browser are the settings including the Obsidian REST API-Key. If you are interested check out the GitHub Repository yourself - it is open source.

🌐 Browser compatibility

The extension has been tested with Chrome on Windows to be working. By using the webextension-polyfill library of it should also be compatible with Firefox though.


Thank’s to the creator of the Obsidian Local REST Api Plugin @Adam Coddington for his awesome work. Furthermore, kodos to the creator of the Vite Chrome Extension Plugin for enabeling fast and easy development with Vue! Big thanks to the team of Flowbiteβ„’ for providing such awesome free Tailwind components!

⏰ More updates around the release coming soon!

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