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Jakob Osterberger

Setting up a Cloud Server for FREE

/ 4 min read

You are wondering how you can set up a private server (VPS) for yourself? You are on a tight budget and maybe don’t want to invest time and money into building your own server. You want to save money and not pay every month for a Digital Ocean Droplet or a Hetzner VPS? Then this is the right blog post for you. In this article I will explain you step by step how to set up your private cloud space and server for FREE with the Oracle Free Tier.

About the Oracle Free Tier

Oracle provides Cloud-Services and offers a quite generous free tier for starters. You get Arm-based Ampere A1 cores and 24 GB of memory usable as 1 Virtual Machine (VM) or up to 4 VMs. Moreover, you get 3,000 OCPU hours and 18,000 GB hours per month. To obtain a free Oracle Webspace you need an account an log in which you can create here: You need to provide your credit card information, but you will not be charged anything if you don’t use any paid services.

Creating the Server Instance

After creating your account navigate to create compute instance, choose your preferred region where you would like your server to be physically located (for Europe I would recommend eu-frankfurt-1). For placement choose always free eligible virtual machine as base. Now you can create your server.

Create Instance

The next step is to select which OS and hardware you want to have for your server. As your OS image you can choose any you want, but I recommend you to select Ubuntu 20.04 or Ubuntu 22.04. For shapes the best option is at the moment to choose a VM.Standard.A1.Flex (Ampere ARM). Allocate the cores and Memory however you like (I would recommend to put it all into one instance to make it more powerful).

Select Image and Shape

Save SSH keys

After the instance is successfully created, Oracle will give you access to the SSH-Keys so you can securely access and connect to your server through the command line with ssh. Be aware that this is the only time you will be able to save the private key from the Oracle Dashboard. If you don’t save it you have no way of accessing the server.

Save ssh keys

Download and save the private and the public key. Save the private key with the name id_rsa on your PCs into your users ssh folder <your_user>/.ssh. Also save the public key with the file name into the .ssh directory.

SSH Directory on Windows

Connect to Server

Now everything is set up and you can connect to your server and use it. Look up public IP of your Server in your Dashboard.

Find public server IP

Then connect via command line with ssh to your server.

Connect to your server


Now you have a fully functional private Linux Server. You can use it now to host your own website or create your own cloud services. If you want to learn more about how you can use your server to deploy and easily manage any servicves and application read my next blog post “Setting up Self-Hosting with CapRover”.

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